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dota26 83(新增8个道具全英雄改动)

2023-03-02 15:23:40 来源:丿玩网 作者:admin

DOTA2 6.84版本来袭 新增8个道具 全英雄改动,DOTA2 TESE客户端更新,早上冰蛙也放出了全新的6.48版本改动日志,一起来看看吧。

在之前我们曾经报道过冰蛙在国外某论坛透露6.84新版本将会在SL12之后更新,在今天早上DOTA2 TEST客户端更新,全新的6.84版本放出,新添加8个新物品,大量游戏机制调整,英雄调整,众多物品改动。目前官方中文版正在加紧翻译中,先来一起看看英文版的版本更新吧。


AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference reduced by 25%


AoE Bonus XP component based on Team XP difference reduced by 40%


Melee lane creep bounty reduced from 43 to 40 (-7%)


Range lane creep bounty reduced from 48 to 45 (-6.25%)


Hero kills (the non-net worth portions) are worth 10% more


Reduced the direct hero last hit bounty by 100 and redistributed that gold into AoE gold (in ratio of 100/75/40/25/20 for 1/2/3/4/5 heroes)[?]

·减少直接英雄击杀赏金100,并且重新分配到团队 [比率100/75/40/25/20 for 1/2/3/4/5英雄(如果你是你是唯一一个贡献击杀的,也能得到相同金钱)

AoE Bonus Gold is now distributed based on the relative net worth amongst the heroes involved in killing the hero by +/- 25%


he amount of AoE Bonus Gold given is now increased/decreased by up to 20% based on the dying hero’s relative rank in net worth amongst all the enemies on that team


Instead of Buyback temporarily preventing unreliable gold gain, it now reduces all gold gained (including hero and aoe gold) by 60%


Melee Barracks team bounty increased from 175 to 275


Ranged Barracks team bounty increased from 100 to 225


Tier 2 and 3 towers armor reduced from 25 to 22


Extra melee creeps additions spawn time changed from 17:30/34:00/50:30 to 15:00/30:00/45:00

增加的额外小兵从17:30/34:00/50:30 下调到15:00/30:00/45:00

Extra range/siege creep additions spawntime from 45:30 to 45:00


Creeps now meet slightly closer to the Dire safelane


Ancient Black Dragon bounty reduced from 199 to 170


Ancient Black Drake bounty reduced from 50 to 40


Ancient Rumblehide bounty reduced from 83 to 65


Satyr Tormenter gold bounty reduced from 104 to 84


Hellbear health reduced from 950 to 700


Hellbear bounty reduced from 65 to 50


Ogre Frostmage bounty reduced from 52 to 40


重做远古石头人:Reworked Mud Golems:

Mud Golems no longer have Spell Immunity


Mud Golems now have 50% Magic Resistance


Mud Golems armor reduced from 2 to 0


Mud Golems now split into two smaller Mud Golems, called Shard Golems, when they die (they have 30% of the original units' health and damage, and only live for 60 seconds)

击杀大石头人会被分成两个小的Shard Golems(拥有原来30%的血量并且存在60秒)

Mud Golems movement speed increased from 270 to 310


Mud Golems (and also Shard Golems) have a new active ability: Hurl Boulder (0.6 second stun, 125 damage, 30 cooldown, 800 range). They do not automatically cast this

大石头人和击杀大石头人之后出现的Shard Golems都会有个技能Hurl Boulder局势投抛(0.6秒眩晕,125伤害,30秒CD,800距离)不会主动释放@chen

Gold/XP bounties rescaled so the total value for the camp remains the same (Mud Golems 32/42 Gold/XP each, Shard Golems 13/23 each)

赏金和经验重调,总价值不变(石头人32金/42经验,Shard Golems13金23经验)

Hero kills achieved by units under your control now provide XP credit to your hero (Affects things like Spirit Bear, Golems, Familiars, etc getting kills)


Melee attacks now miss if the target is farther than 350 range more than their attack range


Reduced All Pick drafting time from 40 to 35 seconds per turn


The following abilities no longer ignore units classified as Ancients (Neutral Ancients, Warlock's Golem, etc): Ice Vortex, Mana Void, Berserker's Call, Blood Rite, Bladefury, Omnislash, Torrent, Ghost Ship, Smokescreen, Static Remnant, Primal Roar, Earth Spike, Heartstopper Aura, Shrapnel, Golem's Immolation, Sticky Napalm, Primal Split's Immolation, Call Down, Invoker's Tornado, EMP, Chaos Meteor, Sun Strike, Ice Wall, Deafening Blast, Pulse Nova, Eclipse, Battery Assault, Rocket Flare, Shadow Poison, Dispersion, The Swarm, Kinetic Field, Static Storm, Ancestral Spirit, Echo Stomp, Overwhelming Odds, Stone Gaze, Earth Bind, Poof, Rip Tide, Nyx's Impale, Fire Spirits, Supernova, Mystic Flare, Dark Pact, Suicide Squad, Ravage, Demonic Purge, Fortune's End [?]

以下技能不再无视远古单位(例如远古野怪,术士地狱火等等)AA的漩涡,AM的大招什么的太多了= =

Damage Block no longer affects physical spells (previously it affected some physical spells and some not)


Cast behavior while turning to cast has been adjusted.



Reworked the Item Silencing and Passive Disabling behaviors.

重做物品沉默和被沉默被动(DOOM a帐大和变羊)


Aftershock, Counter Helix, Great Cleave, Craggy Exterior, Slardar's Bash, Inner Beast, Dragon Blood, Mortal Strike, Degen Aura, Greevil's Greed, Drunken Brawler, Feral Impulse, Shapeshift's Critical Strike, Chaos Strike, Return, Reactive Armor, Curse of Avernus, Natural Order, Empowering Haste, Spell Shield, Thirst, Marksmanship, Precision Aura, Presence of the Dark Lord, Blade Dance, Coup de Grace, Vengeance Aura, Backstab, Headshot, Take Aim, Psi Blades, Geminate Attack, Lunar Blessing, Moon Glaives, Desolate, Jinada, Geostrike, Essence Shift, Fervor, Arcane Aura, Static Field, Heartstopper, Sadist, Overload, Fiery Soul, Untouchable, Null Field, Gravekeeper's Cloak, Spirit Bear's Entangle and Demolish.


Hex no longer applies the Break mechanic

变羊不再有Break mechanic的效果 (不知道是什么)例如邪恶镰刀和巫术

Silence no longer disables Invisibility


Moved Ring of Health, Voidstone and Orb of Venom from Secret Shop to the Base

Moved Platemail, Talisman of Evasion and Ultimate Orb from the Base to the Secret Shop

Added Voidstone and Mantle of Intelligence to Side Shop




Runes now have a higher hit box priority over units


Armor now shows decimal places in the hover tooltip


Fixed buyback respawn timer penalty being reset if you die holding Aegis


The following heroes are no longer restricted from buying Basher/Abyssal (but they are still restricted from activating Bash): Spirit Breaker, Faceless Void, Slardar and Troll

白牛,虚空,大鱼人和巨魔可以买晕锤了不会有效果- -



Borrowed Time can now be cast while disabled (same rules as Morphling's Morph)


Unstable Concoction countdown can now be seen by enemies

Unstable Concoction now has an area targeting cursor

Greevil's Greed now grants 4x gold bounty from Runes

Alchemist can now cast Aghanim's Scepter to directly grant any allied hero all Aghanim's Scepter bonuses as a buff (the hero upgrade and the stat upgrade). The scepter is consumed in the process. Multiple instances of this buff do not stack. Alchemist can target himself as well

Ancient Apparition

Chilling Touch buff can now be removed by clicking on the buff icon above the health bar


Berserker's Call cast point from 0.3 to 0.4

Counter Helix now triggers when attacks land rather than when they start [Affects Centaur Warrunner's Return and Timbersaw's Reactive Armor as well]

Culling Blade movement and attack speed bonuses reduced from 40% to 30%


Brain Sap mana cost from 125/150/175/200 to 100/125/150/175

Units affected by Nightmare no longer provide vision

Nightmare End can now be used by Bane to end all other existing Nightmares


Flamebreak damage changed from an instant 75/150/225/300 damage to 50 damage per second for 1/2/3/4 seconds

Firefly damage reduced from 20/40/60/80 to 10/30/50/70


Beastmaster base damage increased by 4

Wild Axes cast point from 0.5 to 0.4

Call of the Wild Boar attack point from 0.633 to 0.5


Thirst bonuses scale from 100 to 25% HP instead of 100 to 0%

Thirst vision threshold from 30% health to 25%

Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter Intelligence growth increased from 1.4 to 2.0

Shuriken Toss damage from 100/200/250/325 to 150/225/300/375

Shuriken Toss cast range reduced from 650 to 400

Shuriken Toss mana cost from 90/115/135/155 to 120/130/140/150

Track's Shuriken Toss bounce range from 900 to 1200

Track now shows how much gold the enemy is carrying in the debuff tooltip


Primal Split units no longer provide a bounty when killed (was 11-35 depending on level)


Bristleback movement speed reduced from 295 to 290

Viscous Nasal Goo armor reduction rescaled from 1/1/2/2 per stack to 1/1.4/1.8/2.2


Incapacitating Bite is no longer a Unique Attack Attack Modifier

Insatiable Hunger attack damage from 60/80/100 to 60/90/120

Centaur Warrunner

Return now triggers when attacks land rather than when they start [Affects Axe's Counter Helix and Timbersaw's Reactive Armor as well]

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Centaur: Stampede reduces all incoming damage by 70% and allows allies to run through obstructions (trees, cliffs, etc). Destroys trees

Chaos Knight

Chaos Bolt minimum damage from 1/50/75/100 to 75/100/125/150


Skeleton Walk cooldown from 20 to 20/19/18/17

Death Pact cooldown from 45/40/35 to 45/35/25


Rocket Flare speed from 1500 to 1750

Crystal Maiden

Crystal Nova movement and attack slow from -30 to -20/30/40/50

Crystal Nova slow duration from 3.5/4/4.5/5 to 4.5

Frostbite cooldown reduced from 10/9/8/7 to 9/8/7/6

Freezing Field cooldown from 150/120/90 to 90

Dark Seer

Ion Shell duration increased from 20 to 25 seconds

Wall of Replica damage dealt by illusions from 70/80/90% to 60/75/90%

Wall of Replica duration from 15/30/45 to 45

Wall of Replica mana cost from 200/300/400 to 125/250/375


Poison Touch level 4 damage from 32 to 36

Death Prophet

Exorcism spirit count from 4/12/21 to 6/13/21


Kinetic Field duration from 2.5/3/3.5/4 to 2.6/3.2/3.8/4.4

Dragon Knight

Breathe Fire now also reduces base damage by 20/25/30/35% for 8 seconds

Corrosive Breath damage is now lethal

Elder Dragon Form's Splash Attack damage percentage radius from 100/200/250 (for 100/75/50% damage) to 150/225/300

Earth Spirit

Boulder Smash damage from 125 to 50/100/150/200

Geomagnetic Grip manacost from 75 to 100

Geomagnetic Grip damage from 50/125/200/275 to 50/100/150/200

Magnetize can now be dispelled

Fixed Hex not interrupting Rolling Boulder if cast during the initial 0.6 seconds

Elder Titan

Echo Stomp channel time from 1.8 to 1.6

Echo Stomp cooldown from 15 to 14/13/12/11


Untouchable attack slow from 30/60/90/120 to 40/70/100/130

Enchant can now be cast on controlled units to refresh the Enchant duration

Impetus now pierces Spell Immunity


Midnight Pulse cast point improved from 0.3 to 0.2

Black Hole now does a constant 55/110/165 damage per second regardless of proximity to the center

Black Hole mana cost from 275/350/425 to 275/325/375


Rocket Barrage no longer has a cast point (Previously had 0.3)

Call Down missile two slow duration from 3 to 4


Inner Vitality cast range increased from 550 to 800

Inner Vitality cooldown from 25/22/19/16 to 22/18/14/10


Invoker Int gain from 2.5 to 3.2

Invoke no longer triggers cooldown if it only swaps the ability slots

Sun Strike cooldown from 30 to 25

Max level Deafening Blast (Quas, Wex, and Exort all at max level) is now a non-targetable circular wave released in every direction around Invoker


Relocate double click now teleports to fountain


Jakiro base strength increased from 24 to 25

Macropyre duration increased from 7 (14 Scepter) to 10 (20 Scepter)

Macropyre area of effect increased from 225 to 240


Blade Fury cooldown from 30/25/22/18 to 42/34/26/18

Blade Fury now has the same Spell Immunity on cast dispel behavior as other Spell Immunities [Previously it also removed your positive buffs]

Healing Ward movement speed from 450 to 420

Omnislash no longer ministuns on cast

Using items/abilities in Omnislash no longer requires facing direction

Keeper of the Light

Mana Leak cooldown from 16 to 16/14/12/10

Chakra Magic now adds a buff that that reduces the cooldown of the next spell its target casts by 1/2/3/4 seconds. Buff lasts 12 seconds.

Scepter Illuminate heal percentage from 75% to 100%


Kunkka no longer turns to cast Torrent

Torrent cooldown reduced from 12 to 10 seconds

X Marks The Spot mana cost from 80 to 50

Legion Commander

Moment of Courage counterattack chance from 16/18/20/22 to 25%

Moment of Courage lifesteal from 20/40/60/80% to 55/65/75/85%

Moment of Courage cooldown from 0.9 to 2.7/2.1/1.5/0.9

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Legion Commander: Duel lasts until either Legion Commander or her target dies. Ends if duelists are ever more than 2,000 range apart.


Leshrac movement speed from 315 to 320

Lightning Storm cast point from 0.7 to 0.6

Lightning Storm slow duration from 0.75 to 0.7/0.8/0.9/1


Ice Armor cast range from 800 to 1000

Chain Frost projectile speed from 675 to 750


Feast is now considered as normal bonus damage (can Crit and Cleave off it)

Open Wounds lifesteal increased from 15/20/25/30% to 50%

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Lifestealer: Grants a new skill, Assimilate. Assimilate allows Lifestealer to target an allied hero and swallow them, allowing them to hide inside of Lifestealer. Any healing Lifestealer receives is shared with the assimilated hero. The assimilated hero can release itself at any time by clicking on the buff icon to erupt outward and deal 300 damage to enemies in a 700 area of effect. If Lifestealer dies or assimilates another hero, the currently assimilated hero will automatically exit. Issuing any order with your hero, a few seconds after being assimilated, will take you out.


Aghanim Scepter-upgraded Laguna Blade no longer increases cast range

Lone Druid

True Form is no longer removed on death [Other toggle forms change as well: Medusa's Split Shot and Mana Shield, and Troll Warlord's Berserker's Rage]

Battle Cry armor increased from 5/10/15 to 6/12/18

Battle Cry damage increased from 50/75/100 to 60/90/120

Added Agahnim's Scepter upgrade to Lone Druid: Allows Spirit Bear to attack at any range from Lone Druid, and prevents Spirit Bear from dying if Lone Druid dies


Luna base armor increased by 1

Eclipse per unit cap increased from 4 to 5

Improved Aghanim's Scepter: Allows Eclipse to be cast on an area within 2,500 range. Grants obstructed vision of that area. Can also target any allied unit to center Eclipse on their location, even while moving (can double click or target Luna)


Split Shot and Mana Shield are no longer removed on death [Other toggle forms change as well: Lone Druid's True Form and Troll Warlord's Berserker's Rage]


Geostrike damage from 7/14/21/28 to 8/16/24/32

Divided We Stand no longer causes Meepo to respawn 20% faster


Starstorm's second hit range from 175 to 325, and the second hit now strikes the unit closest to Mirana


Adaptive Strike now has a 1150 speed projectile

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Morphling: Grants a new ability, Hybrid. Allows morphling to target an ally, turning himself into a hybrid illusion, removing the Morphling himself. This hybrid illusion can cast non-ultimate abilities and has your original attributes. Lasts 20 seconds. When the duration ends or the hybrid dies, your hero emerges (cannot end prematurely). Cooldown: 140, Manacost: 200, 600 cast range. Note: Ability is not available while you have a Replicate living.

Naga Siren

Ensnare cooldown from 14 to 12

Ensnare is now dispellable [Can still be cast on Spell Immune units]

Ensnare is no longer removed if the target becomes Ethereal

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade: Song of the Siren Scepter now regenerates you and nearby allies by 6% of maximum HP per second for up to 7 seconds.

Nature's Prophet

Sprout cast range increased from 600 to 625/700/775/850

Sprout duration increased from 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 to 3/4/5/6

Nature's Call treant base damage from 22 to 28

Aghanim's Scepter-upgraded Wrath of Nature now spawns a Nature's Call treant whenever it kills a unit. Killing a hero will spawn a stronger treant (3x damage and health of a normal one)

Night Stalker

Void attack speed slow increased from -35 to -50 (now matches movement speed slow)

Nyx Assassin

Using Spiked Carapace no longer removes Vendetta

Added Aghamin's Scepter upgrade to Nyx: Adds a new ability, Burrow, with a one second cast time. While Burrowed, Nyx Assassin is invisible and unable to move/attack, but has 40% damage resistance, and regenerates 1.5% of his health and mana per second. Nyx Assassin's abilities also have improved properties while burrowed: Mana Burn and Impale have 50% increased cast range, Impale Cooldown is reduced from 13 to 9, and Spiked Carapace instantly stuns any enemy units within a 300 area of effect without requiring them to hurt him first. Casting Vendetta causes Burrow to end


Purification cast point from 0.5 to 0.4


Purifying Flames mana cost reduced from 55/70/85/100 to 50/60/70/80

Purifying Flames cooldown reduced from 3 to 2.5

Purifying Flames can now target non-hero units

False Promise no longer makes the target invisible

False Promise now continuously removes debuffs and disables, instead of only when first cast

False Promise duration from 7/8/9 to 6/7/8

False Promise cooldown from 20 to 80/60/40

Outworld Devourer

Aghanim's Scepter Sanity's Eclipse upgrade now affects everyone in the area of effect with Astral Imprisonment after it deals its damage

Aghanim's Scepter Sanity's Eclipse upgrade no longer always triggers the mana drain and does not increase the damage multiplier by 1


Fire Spirits now does an obstructed reveal of the area it hits for 1 second


Waning Rift damage increased from 70/140/210/280 to 100/160/220/280


Rot move slow from 20% to 20/22/24/26%


Decrepify enemy slow from 50% to 30/40/50/60%

Decrepify enemy magic damage amplification from 50% to 30/40/50/60%

Decrepify duration from 2/2.5/3/3.5 to 3.5

Decrepify cooldown from 12/10/8/6 to 15/12/9/6

Life Drain damage and restore per second from 120/160/200 to 150/185/220

Life Drain cast range from 1100 to 900/1050/1200

Pugna's Aghanim's Scepter-upgraded Life Drain no longer increases cast range


Smokescreen no longer slows attack speed

Smokescreen now reduces turn rate by 30%


Null Field now also affects creeps

Sand King

Caustic Finale duration from 8 to 6

Caustic Finale now always triggers (via unit death or when its duration expires). If triggered by timer expiration, it deals 30% of the damage

Caustic Finale no longer resets the duration on a unit that already has the debuff

Caustic Finale now applies a 20% move slow when the damage triggers (via unit death or when timer expires). Slow lasts for 3 seconds

Shadow Demon

Shadow Poison mana cost from 50 to 40

Demonic Purge Aghamin's Scepter upgrade now applies Break (disabling passive abilities)

Shadow Shaman

Shadow Shaman base strength increased from 19 to 21

Shadow Shaman strength gain increased from 1.6 to 1.8


Silencer base movement speed from 300 to 295

Last Word initial enemy cast allowance window from 5 to 4 seconds

Last Word no longer disarms

Last Word now applies a 14/16/18/20% movespeed slow whenever it triggers


Slithereen Crush damage from 50/100/150/200 to 75/125/175/225


Sniper agility gain from 2.9 to 2.5

Shrapnel recharge time increased from 40 to 55

Shrapnel delay increased from 0.8 to 1.4 seconds

Shrapnel now gives vision when the shrapnel lands rather than instantly

Headshot can now miss

Assassinate damage from 355/505/655 to 320/485/650


Reality no longer kills the target illusion, it now swaps positions

Spirit Breaker

Empowering Haste cooldown from 16 to 12

Storm Spirit

Storm Spirit movement speed reduced from 290 to 285

Ball Lightning flying vision from 1000 to 400


Warcry armor bonus increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20


Land Mine activation delay reduced from 1.75 to 0.5 seconds

Stasis Trap Activation delay from 2 to 1.5

Stasis Trap Detonation delay from 2 to 1.5

Suicide Squad, Attack! cooldown reduced from 180/170/160/150 to 160/140/120/100

Minefield Sign cooldown from 120 to 360

Minefield Sign now requires Techies to walk precisely to the targeted spot

Minefield Sign now has an area of effect targeting cursor

Minefield Sign now has a limited lifetime of 180 seconds

Techies Aghanim's Scepter upgrade now causes the Minefield Sign to make all Land Mines, Stasis Traps and Remote Mines within 125 area of effect immune to True Sight. Can only have one sign out at a time

Templar Assassin

Meld cooldown from 7 to 6


Reflection cast range from 275 to 325

Reflection illusion outgoing damage from 40/50/60/70% to 40/60/80/100%


Kraken Shell damage block increased from 10/20/30/40 to 12/24/36/48


Reactive Armor now triggers when attacks land rather when attacks begin [Affects Axe's Counter Helix and Centaur Warrunner's Return as well]

Reactive Armor max stacks increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20


Laser hero blind duration increased from 3 to 3/3.5/4/4.5

Rearm mana cost from 150/250/350 to 125/225/325

Aghanim's Scepter Laser no longer has additional cast range

Aghanim's Scepter Laser now refracts to visible enemy heroes with a 550 bounce range


Toss grab radius increased from 250 to 275

Toss now grabs the closest unit rather than a random unit

Treant Protector

Eyes in the Forest area of effect reduced from 800 to 700

Troll Warlord

Berserker's Rage no longer provides +15 damage

Ranged Whirling Axes no longer provide 800 vision

Melee Whirling Axes no longer provide 500 vision

Battle Trance duration reduced from 7 to 5 seconds

Berserker’s Rage is no longer removed on death [Other toggle forms changed as well: Medusa's Split Shot and Mana Shield, and Lone Druid's True Form]


Ice Shards mana cost reduced from 120 to 90

Ice Shards cooldown from 18/16/14/12 to 19/16/13/10

Ice Shards vision reveal from 0.5 seconds to 2 seconds

Snowball speed is now a constant 675

Snowball no longer auto-loads units in 100 range

Tusk can now add allies to Snowball while it is moving

Added Aghanim's Scepter to Tusk: Adds a new ability called Walrus Kick. Kicks the target back 900 units. The kick slows by 40% for 4 seconds. 12 second cooldown


Soul Rip is now considered one damage instance on the enemy

Removed Tombstone Zombie targeting from Soul Rip

Tombstone Zombies now require 1 attack to kill rather than having 30 health (zombies require 2 hits from creeps)


Reworked Enrage



Ursa goes into a frenzy, causing him to take 80% less damage from any source and for his attacks to deal 2/2.5/3 times the Fury Swipes damage. Removes any existing debuffs upon cast.

Fury Swipes Multiplier: 2/2.5/3

Duration: 4

Cooldown: 50/45/40


Venomous Gale tick damage from 0/30/60/90 to 10/40/70/100


Viper Strike cooldown reduced from 80/50/30 to 70/50/30


Gravekeeper's Cloak recharge time from 6 to 4

Familiars no longer have 300/450/600 health

Familiars now require 4 hero attacks to be killed (creeps/illusions do 1/4 damage, towers do 1/2)


Fatal Bonds cast range increased from 900 to 1000

Fatal Bonds cast time from 0.5 to 0.2

Chaotic Offering Golem's health regeneration from 15/30/45 to 25/50/75


The Swarm duration rescaled from 14/16/18/20 to 16

The Swarm damage from 15/20/25/30 to 20

The Swarm attack rate from an attack every 1.35 seconds to 1.4/1.25/1.1/0.95

Geminate Attack now launches the second projectile 0.25 seconds after the initial one fires instead of after impacting the target

Geminate Attack no longer has a range limit

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Weaver: reduces the cooldown of Timelapse to 20 seconds and allows Timelapse to target allied heroes. 1000 cast range


Shackleshot cast point from 0.3 to 0.15

Winter Wyvern

Enabled Winter Wyvern in Captain's Mode

Reworked Winter's Curse

Those cursed to attack their ally now take 70% less damage from all sources.

Area of effect increased from 350 to 400

Duration from 2.5/2.75/3 to 2.5/3/3.5

Cooldown from 90/80/70 to 110/100/90

Arctic Burn is now dispellable

Arctic Burn damage per second from 6% of health to 8%

Arctic Burn damage type from Pure to Magic

Arctic Burn no longer pierces Spell Immunity

Splinter Blast speed increased 500->650 (1.35 to 1.0 seconds max)

Splinter Blast debuff is now dispellable

Cold Embrace now behaves as normal regeneration instead of 0.1 interval heals

Wraith King

Added Aghanim's Scepter upgrade to Wraith King: Allies who are near Wraith King (within 1200 aoe) when slain become Wraiths for 5 seconds, delaying their death. They can continue attacking, casting, etc. When the duration ends, the hero dies, and credit for the kill goes to whowever landed the original killing blow.


Thundergod's Wrath area vision reduced from 1000 to 500

Fixed Thundergod's Wrath sometimes hitting invisible units depending on the order of player slots.



+1 生命回复

使用可以秒回150蓝 (可对我方英雄使用)








持续6秒 对900范围一个使用我方英雄使用 驱逐负面状态 反弹指向性技能(与林肯判断相同) 17冷却 100魔





Glimmer - Targets an allied unit and makes it turn invisible after a 0.4 second fade time. While invisible, it gains 66% magic resistance. Lasts 5 seconds. The invisible unit is allowed to move during the 5 seconds, but attacking or casting a spell will cause the 0.4 second fade time will trigger again. 16 cooldown. 900 Cast Range. Can be cast while channelling

使一个我放单位 0.4秒后隐身 隐身时 +66%魔抗 持续5秒 隐身单位允许移动 攻击或后会有0。4秒渐隐时间(跟pom很像) 16cd 900范围

Guardian Greaves

New item formed from Arcane Boots, Mekansm, and a recipe


Arcane Boots: 1350

Mekansm: 2300

Recipe: 1650

Total: 5300


+55 Movement Speed

+250 Mana

+5 All Stats

+5 Armor

Passive: Guardian Aura - Provides 2 armor and 4 health regeneration aura. When a target's health is lower than 20% it instead provides 15 armor and 15 health regen

Active: Mend - Restores 250 health and 160 mana to nearby allies. Removes negative debuffs from the caster upon cast. 45 second cooldown

Note: The dispel only affects your hero

秘法鞋(不过秘法不应该是1450么) +梅肯+卷轴1650 共5300



+5 全属性

+5 攻击

被动: 2甲 +4 生命回复

如果目标生命低于20% 15甲 15生命回复

主动: 回复250血 160蓝 祛除debuff 45cd


Moon Shard

New item formed from 2 Hyperstones and a recipe


Hyperstone (2000)

Hyperstone (2000)

Recipe (300)

Total: 4300


+120 Attack Spee

Passive: Shade Sight - Moon Shard grants 250 bonus night vision (when in inventory only. Works against Night Stalker's Darkness)

Use: Can be consumed to gain a permanent 60 attack speed buff (does not stack). Requires a double click to consume

Notes: Attack Speed buff does not work on illusions




主动 使用+永久60攻速 (可以花掉?不太确定)


Silver Edge

New item formed from Shadow Blade and Sange and a recipe

Shadow Blade (2800)

Sange (2050)

Recipe 350Total: 5200

+32 Damage

+30 Attack Speed

+16 Strength

Lesser Maim

Shadow Walk: Invis attack now deals 225 damage also applies Break to disable passive abilities, and reduces the target's damage output (all damage types) by 40% for 5 seconds. 24 second cooldown. Attacking to end invisibility cannot miss. Debuff does not pierce Spell Immunity

隐刀+散华+350 卷轴 共计5200




新增:破隐一击+225伤害 会打断?

减少目标造成的伤害40% 持续5秒 24cd



Solar Crest

New item formed from Medallion of Courage and Talisman of Evasion

Medalion of Courage (1200)

Talisman of Evasion (1800)

Total: 3000

10 armor

75% mana regen

30% evasion

Active: Loses the Solar Crest Armor and Evasion. When targetting an ally, grants them 10 Armor and 30% Evasion. When targeting an enemy, removes 10 armor and applies a 30% miss for 7 seconds. Cooldown: 7 seconds

Can be disassembled. This debuff is dispellable

勇气勋章+闪避护符 3000




主动:失去闪避和护甲效果 对友军使用加 10甲 30%闪避 对敌使用减10甲 攻击有30%miss概率 持续7秒

cd 7秒

Octarine Core

New item formed from Mystic Staff and Soul Booster

Mystic Staff (2700)

Soul Booster (3200)

Total: 5900

+25 Intelligence

+450 HP

+400 Mana

+4 HP regeneration

+100% Mana regeneration

Passive: Cooldown Reduction - Reduces all cooldowns by 25%

Passive: Spell Lifesteal - Restores health for a percentage of any damage dealt from spells. 25% from heroes, 5% from creeps

2700神秘法杖(忘名字了)+ 镇魂石(3200) ps看来魔力球从1000减到900了




+4 生命回复

+100% 回蓝

被动 wtf! 减少所有冷却时间25%!!!!!! 我没看错吧

被动 法术伤害增加回血效果 25%对英雄 5%对小兵

Observer & Sentry Wards

Observer and Sentry Wards now stack into one inventory slot. Double clicking toggles which ward type is currently active [?]

真假眼占一格 双击换眼..

Upgraded Boots of Travel

Boots of Travel can now be upgraded by purchasing the recipe again. Allows you to target and teleport to allied heroes




Strength increased from 6 to 8

Damage reduced from 40 to 25

Bash now deals 60 bonus damage

Bash cooldown increased from 2 to 2.3




cd 2s到2.3s


Damage reduced from 100 to 85

伤害100 到 85


cd 2s到2.3s


Cost reduced from 1000 to 900



Replenish radius from 600 to 900

Replenish no longer costs 35 mana to activate




Recipe increased from 800 to 900



Attack Speed from +15 to +25

Unholy Strength no longer grants +10 Attack Speed

Unholy Strength strength gain period from 0.7 to 0.6 seconds



力量获取又0.7s到0.6s 就是加血那个速度


Changed from full damage bonus to base damage bonus

Quell damage bonus from 32/12% to 40/15%

Quell no longer deals bonus damage to Roshan

Chop active ability now kills wards rather than dealing 100 damage

Chop active ability range increased from 350 to 450 when targeting wards

额外伤害 40 15%


秒杀眼 范围又350加到450


Battle Fury now requires and provides the bonuses of Quelling Blade

Quell bonus is now 60% for melee heroes and 25% for ranged heroes

Attack damage reduced from 65 to 55

Cleave radius from 250 to 280


Quell bonus is now 60% for melee heroes and 25% for ranged heroes不懂(是指近战+60% 远程25%?)

溅射半径 250 到280



Black King Bar can now be sold [?]

可以被卖了 持续还是那个持续


Damage Return cooldown reduced from 17 to 15



Cost reduced from 450 to 420

价格450 到420


Phase duration from 4 to 3.6 seconds



Teleport cooldown from 50 to 45



Armor Bonus radius increased from 750 to 900



Flutter duration from 8 to 6 and bonus movement speed from 20 to 25%

8秒变6s持续 移动速度20%加到25%


Duration from 40 to 45

Total mana restored from 150 to 170

Ally cast range from 100 to 250


总蓝量 150到170

对友军使用范围 100加到250




抵挡概率 67% to 75%


抵挡概率 67% to 75%

使用后格挡 50 to 55

范围 750 to 900


伤害 60 to 50

卷轴 900 to 300




伤害 300 to 330


减速 15% to 20%


使用后攻速加成 10 to 20


价格 3300 to 3200


吹风耗魔 75 to 175


远程英雄减速 3 to 2.5 s 近战不变(5s)


视野 400 to 300

加速时 650 to 800


生命恢复 3变4


价格 1600 to 1500

buff时间 7 to 5(负面也是)


攻速 15 to 20


光环范围 750 to 900


持续 10 to 8 s [?](总量不变)

友军使用范围 100 到250


价格 3200 to 3000


卷轴 1200 to 1400

回血速度 2% to 3.25%

cd 近战4到5 远程6到7


cd 17 to 16






移动速度 30% to 17%




Static Charge cast range increased from 600 to 800



战士弓手生命 from 400/600/800 to 600/700/800

战士伤害 from 25/50/75 to 45/60/75

弓手伤害from 40/80/120 to 60/90/120

移动速度光环 3/6/9 to 5/7/9%


Observer Wards now come in single increments


Cost and restock time reduced by half and stock doubled


Observer Wards now provide a 50 XP bounty when destroyed


Attacking a ward can no longer miss (same for Sentry Wards)

攻击眼不会miss (真眼同)


Poison Attack damage over time can now be lethal



Insight Aura now also provides a 10% Magic Resistance aura to nearby allies (does not affect the equipped hero)



属性增加 8 to 9 (真要成2100了哈哈)


价格 900 to 875


卷轴1350 to 1425

灼烧会造成17%的 miss (幽鬼!)have a 17% miss rate


Reworked components and bonuses

Old Refresher:


+6 Int

+5 HP Regen

+200% Mana Regen

+40 Damage

+10 Attack Speed

Requires: Oblivion Staff (1675) + Perseverance (1750) + Recipe (1800) = 5225

New Refresher:


+10 HP Regen

+250% Mana Regen

+20 Damage

Requires: Perseverance (1750) + Perseverance (1750) + Recipe (1800) = 5300





现在是2个坚韧球+1800卷轴 5300 原5225


智力from 25 to 30


持续 3.5 to 4 seconds


攻击不会miss 同假眼


攻速降低from 40 to 45


价格 250 to 200

格挡率 53% to 50%

近战20到16 远程10到8


Can now be used on to eat Wards. Eating a ward heals for double the amount, 230 HP over 16 seconds.[?] 可以吃眼 同时会有双倍回复 (官方卖萌 眼更好吃。。)

Has a 450 cast range when targeting Wards



cd 65 to 70

Teleport no longer removes Ethereal state when it is cast

使用不会祛除 Ethereal state (不懂啦)


Casting Soul Release on an enemy already under the effects of Soul Release now refreshes the existing debuff rather than applying a seperate instance [?]

不会有多个效果 只会刷新cd (伤害治疗同)


卷轴 1250 to 1100

cd 30 to 20

持续 25 to 16

消耗蓝量 75 to 50


吸血 16% to 15%

现在近战也有 10% 吸血

Now requires Headdress instead of Ring of Regeneration. Vladmir's Offering now provides +2 all stats, and Vladmir's Aura now provides 3 health regen.

不再使用回复戒指 而是回复头巾 于是乎+2全属性 +3回血



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